Neutrailize the causes of PTSD so they don’t bother you any more.
PTSD is a state that happens when someone has experienced a traumatic event, or a series of traumatic events. It can be something that happened to you, or something that you observed happening to someone else. The event can be a car accident, a war experience, a natural disaster, a rape, an act of violence, ongoing repeated abuse, bullying, conflicts, a crime, or something similar. It can be a one-time event, or ongoing situations.
The event(s) are often unexpected, also frightening, shocking, overwhelming and cause great distress. People often feel they’re powerless to stop or change the event, whether it happened to the person directly, or it’s something they observed happening to someone else.
After the event, the person may have memories, flashbacks, nightmares, and fears from similar situations, or situations that remind them of the event. Even talking about the event, or thinking about it can trigger the fear. Fear can also be triggered by sounds, by smells, by words, movies, conversations or dreams.
People tend to feel stressed, overwhelmed, on edge, nervous, startle easily, have difficulty concentrating, and problems sleeping. People might be unable to stop thinking about the event, or feel numb and disconnected, zoned out.
EFT, NLP and Hypnosis are types of therapy that will resolve PTSD.
At the time of the event the hypothalamus and the amygdala, which produce and control cortisol (the stress hormone) produce a big shot of cortisol and the person will go into ‘fight or flight’. If they can’t ‘fight or fly’, they freeze. The brain goes into a tunnel vision state, where they can ONLY fight, fly, or freeze. When we’re in this state, we can’t access all our neurology, to find solutions, alternative strategies and possibilities. We remain frozen, or stuck.
Fight or flight is supposed to last a very short time, just long enough to get us out of trouble.
With PTSD, the person stays stuck in that frozen-like, tunnel vision state, and can’t access their neurology to create possibilities, options or solutions for themselves.
Using EFT, which includesTapping on particular acupuncture points, sends a message to the hypothalamus and the amygdala and lowers the cortisol levels. Imagine turning the stuck cortisol tap off. This allows serotonin and dopamine levels to rise, the brain to come out of fight or flight, the person can think about the situation differently, their neurology opens up and the symptoms of PTSD are resolved. The event, or series of events feels neutral. It happened, but there’s no emotion attached to it any longer.
Hypnosis and NLP will reprogram the brain to process the triggers in a positive or neutral manner, rather than negative.
Whether you’re experiencing Anxiety, Depression, PTSD, Abuse, Phobias, Emotional Eating or are Overweight, Anne can help you make the changes you want, in person or online.
Change negative emotions, limiting beliefs, and unwanted habits using EFT, NLP, and Hypnosis with a compassionate and experienced Counsellor.
Get Your Saboteur On Your Side.
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"The intention behind every behavior is positive."
NLP Presupposition
I have worked with Anne for just over a year. Without a doubt, there has been a profound transformation in my emotional well-being since my first visit. Anne is so compasionate, warm, and good at what she does.... It is a huge gift to have worked with Anne and my life is all the better for it.
Nicole S., Victoria, BC
Anne was able to track down my issues using her counselling and listening skills in the very first session. She is a skilled professional who produces results very quickly. I felt totally comfortable with her and as a result I was able to find relief.
B.C., Victoria, BC
During one session with [Anne] my migraine headaches have completely disappeared. I’m not even sure what happened, but whatever it was, thanks!
Y.M., Victoria, BC