Change habits and behaviours that are troubling you using Hypnotherapy with Counsellor and Therapist, Anne Goodman.
Hypnotic Trance is a naturally occurring state we all experience every day, whether engrossed in a good book, watching TV, driving, daydreaming or when we are falling asleep or just waking up. Hypnosis is simply a focused state of attention combined with a state of relaxation. The difference between this naturally occurring state and one induced by a hypnotist is that the trance is directed and has a purpose.
Hypnosis is used to help people change Emotional Eating habits, lose weight, quit nail biting, quit smoking, build your self-confidence, eliminate insomnia so you sleep better, and eliminate many other habits, responses and behaviours that are troubling you.
In the relaxed state of hypnosis, it is much easier to access the Unconscious Mind, that place deep inside us where all memories are stored and all learning takes place, both useful and not so useful. By communicating directly with the Unconscious Mind you can easily and quickly change any limiting beliefs you have into positive and powerful beliefs, which in turn will play out in all areas of your life.
Can you imagine how believing that you are an amazing human being, that you can achieve your goals, and that you deserve to be happy will change your whole way of being in the world?
Studies and measurements of our brains have shown that we have 5 distinct levels of brain wave activity. These are called Beta, Beta2, Alpha, Theta and Delta.
Beta brain waves oscillate at 13-20 waves per second and indicate that we are awake and alert, using our logical mind and experiencing ourselves as being controlled by time and space. Beta waves are left-brain controlled, with the left brain being the logical and sequential part of our brain. The Beta2 state is when your brain is racing, like in the middle of the night when you can't sleep and you have that ‘yakkety yak’ running through your mind. Hypnosis is excellent for getting rid of this!
Alpha brain waves are slower, approximately 8-13 waves per second. In the Alpha state, our right brains take over, with the right brain being the creative and intuitive part of our brain. We enter the Alpha state when we daydream or just as we are awakening or going to sleep. It is also the one of the states we can be in when we are in a hypnotic trance or meditation.
We automatically shift from Beta to Alpha approximately every 90 minutes throughout the day. This is called the Ultradian Response and it's a kind of download time. You might notice yourself daydreaming or feeling sleepy periodically throughout the day. This is your when your brain waves are changing into the Alpha state. If you don't allow your mind to relax at these times, you become what is known as ‘hyper suggestible’. In the Beta state, your conscious mind cannot hold any more information and everything goes straight into your subconscious mind. You can start to feel frustrated and irritable. These changes from one state to another are gradual with no abrupt shift, and for that reason sometimes we don't really notice.
Even slower than the Alpha state is the Theta state, where our brain waves oscillate at 4-8 waves per second. At night when we sleep, we pass through Alpha and into Theta, a much deeper state. Theta is the gateway to sleep and dream states happen in Theta.
Deep, deep sleep is the Delta state, where our brain waves oscillate at 0-4 waves per second. In the Delta state, our bodies do a lot of rejuvenation and cellular renewal. While we are in this deep sleep state, our endocrine organs come to life and secrete hormones into the bloodstream which affect our whole bodies. Without sufficient Theta and Delta sleep, we will suffer from sleep deprivation.
To summarize, the states of Theta and Delta access our unconscious mind. The Beta state is the conscious mind and the Alpha state is the link between the conscious and unconscious parts of our mind.
Interestingly enough, these brain wave states develop over the course of our lives. Babies live in the Delta state all of the time. As we get a little older, we develop Theta brain waves, and eventually as teenagers and into adulthood, Alpha and finally Beta occur. If you ever wonder why your children seem spaced out, it's because they are! They are living in an Alpha state or are just only starting to develop Beta brain waves.
The experiences of the different ages of our lives are stored in the level of the brain wave that was active at the time. This is why we may not consciously remember things that happened when we were 3 or 7 years old, yet they have an impact on our way of being in the world because the memories are stored in our unconscious minds.
When you are in a trance, you are able to access these deeper and slower brain wave states where a particular memory happened or a belief was formed. From there, you can more easily remember or make the changes you want to your beliefs because you are in the same state you were in when the memory or belief was first formed. This is how hypnosis works!
All hypnosis is actually self-hypnosis. It is a state you can naturally and easily achieve by yourself. The difference between these naturally occurring states is that hypnosis with a hypnotist is guided and has a purpose. Together we want to change something at the deep unconscious level.
For any of you who have ever seen a stage hypnotist, a stage hypnotist’s skill is in searching the audience and being able to choose people who are willing to play on stage. If the person who is hypnotized on stage weren't willing on some level to be involved, it just wouldn't work. People who say "you can't hypnotize me" are right. If you don't want to be hypnotized, for whatever reason, you won't be. It's up to you and how willing you are.
Some people are afraid they can be tricked into doing something they don't want to do or to tell their secrets, but this simply isn't true. The reason is that all of your memories and beliefs, along with your values, are stored in your unconscious mind and your values will set the guidelines for you, as to what is acceptable to you and what will work. If someone makes a suggestion to you while you are in a trance that doesn't fit into your values or meet your needs, it will jar you out of trance or you just won't do it. You are always in control.
I did a hypnosis presentation at my daughter's elementary school a few months ago and one little boy asked me if I could hypnotize someone to be a bank robber. I said "No, because if I tried to do that the person would wake up". He then said "What if he was already a bank robber?" I told him that I could hypnotize him to be a better bank robber but that I wouldn't because it was against my values. It is very important to find a hypnotist or counsellor with strong ethics and high morals to make sure that they understand what your needs and values are and will be able to help you meet them in a way that fits YOUR criteria.
Other people are afraid that they may get 'stuck' in a hypnotic state, but this will not happen either. Be assured you will either just fall asleep or naturally ease back into the Beta state.
During a hypnotherapy session, you are gently guided into a tranquil state of relaxation. While in this relaxed state, your mind permits productive suggestions to be accepted and we can consciously input the new attitudes, habits and characteristics that you want to develop, while replacing the subconscious beliefs that no longer serve you. Please note that during a hypnotherapy session, your mind is fully aware and you will hear everything that goes on around you. You are also able to communicate and will only respond to suggestions that feel right for you and benefit your beliefs.
Hypnotherapy is an extremely effective healing technique that can be used for increased self confidence and self esteem, improved memory and concentration, motivation, quitting smoking and other addictions, weight control, fears/phobias, anxiety, depression, sleep habits, relaxation, migraine headaches and pain control, and so much more.
Whether you’re experiencing Anxiety, Depression, PTSD, Abuse, Phobias, Emotional Eating or are Overweight, Anne can help you make the changes you want, in person or online.
Change negative emotions, limiting beliefs, and unwanted habits using EFT, NLP, Time Line Therapy, and Hypnosis with a compassionate and experienced Counsellor.
Get Your Saboteur On Your Side.
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"The intention behind every behavior is positive."
NLP Presupposition
I have worked with Anne for just over a year. Without a doubt, there has been a profound transformation in my emotional well-being since my first visit. Anne is so compasionate, warm, and good at what she does.... It is a huge gift to have worked with Anne and my life is all the better for it.
Nicole S., Victoria, BC
Anne was able to track down my issues using her counselling and listening skills in the very first session. She is a skilled professional who produces results very quickly. I felt totally comfortable with her and as a result I was able to find relief.
B.C., Victoria, BC
During one session with [Anne] my migraine headaches have completely disappeared. I’m not even sure what happened, but whatever it was, thanks!
Y.M., Victoria, BC