Eliminate fear, depression, and anxiety by Tapping with experienced and compassionate Counsellor Anne Goodman
EFT is a fast and easy process that can help anyone to remove the negative patterns and emotions that have caused problems in their lives.
EFT has been described as one of the most important breakthroughs in the area of psychology ever. EFT boasts a success rate of over 80%. Studies show a dramatic reduction in cortisol (the stress hormone) in the brain.
During the past 20 years EFT has been used with a broad range of difficulties, by thousands of practitioners around the world.
EFT dramatically relieves emotional imbalances and disturbances as well as many physical symptoms. Dr. Joseph Mercola, Deepak Chopra, Jack Canfield, Bruce Lipton PhD, Candace Pert PhD, Donna Eden, Eric Robins, MD, all endorse and recommend EFT.
To really understand EFT, you might have to open your mind to a new paradigm.
EFT is an Energy Psychology or Meridian Therapy. It is based upon Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture, but instead of using needles to stimulate points on the body, we tap them gently with our fingers.
The effectiveness of EFT only makes sense if you relate it to the human energy system. Einstein said ‘we are all matter’. Matter is energy. That’s just physics. Humans run an intricate energy system which is fuelled by electrical impulses that run throughout the body. When this energy system is out of balance, we experience stuck negative emotions, including stress, depression, anxiety, phobias, repeated unwanted behaviours, shame, guilt, and fears of all kinds. We may also experience physical symptoms, pain and other dis-eases. Some experts say that up to 80% of the diseases we experience are caused by stress.
All emotions are natural and good, but they do need to process. Holding them stuck is what causes problems. EFT releases the stuck energy.
Fear is how we stimulate our fight or flight response. Anger is how we know our boundaries have been crossed. Sadness and hurt are how humans experience loss and grief. All are pure, natural, good emotions. But they need to move, to process, to release.
Gary Craig, the creator of EFT, says that ‘the cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body’s energy system’.
By tapping on particular points on the body which have a particularly high concentration of mechanoreceptors, free nerve endings, and neurovascular density, the energy system becomes more balanced. These same points are also used in Acupuncture. The signal that is generated by the tapping reaches the Amygdala, the Hippocampus, and other structures in the brain where the emotional problems are stored neurologically. The tapping disrupts previously established neurological patterns. As the old neurological patterns are disrupted, the negative emotions disappear.
After EFT treatment there are reductions in cortisol, a stress hormone, and an increase in serotonin, which is a neurotransmitter that helps to calm us.
When we are in a state of fear, it’s like a loop in our brain. When the brain is flooded with serotonin, the loop of fear is disconnected and disrupted. The fear diminishes and we feel more calm, more balanced, and the part of the brain that comes up with solutions can evaluate the situation to create solutions much more easily.
Any side effects that result from EFT are positive. The worst thing that will happen is that you’ll feel more relaxed.
With deep, long term issues, especially related to abuse, trauma, or not having had one’s needs met repeatedly, as a person clears one issue, other related aspects may arise.
Once something is cleared, it’s over, and if it seems like it’s recurring, it’s simply another aspect of the situation, or the core issues reasserting themselves.
EFT boasts a success rate of over 80%. For complex issues, the art is in the delivery of EFT.
While EFT is simple and can be used by anyone, anywhere, anytime, for complex issues, anything that is deep rooted, long term, or related to trauma or abuse, it is best to consult an expert.
Whether you’re experiencing Anxiety, Depression, PTSD, Abuse, Phobias, Emotional Eating or are Overweight, Anne can help you make the changes you want, in person or online.
Change negative emotions, limiting beliefs, and unwanted habits using EFT, NLP, Time Line Therapy, and Hypnosis with a compassionate and experienced Counsellor.
Get Your Saboteur On Your Side.
Call now for your free 30 min consultation – I look forward to hearing from you!
"The intention behind every behavior is positive."
NLP Presupposition
I have worked with Anne for just over a year. Without a doubt, there has been a profound transformation in my emotional well-being since my first visit. Anne is so compassionate, warm, and good at what she does.... It is a huge gift to have worked with Anne and my life is all the better for it.
Nicole S., Victoria, BC
I was having real problems focussing and remembering at university. I seemed to have something blocking my success. Working with Anne helped me to alleviate my stress and enabled me to focus on the fine details that contributed to me getting an “A” on my final linguistics exam, and a “B+” in math.
R.G., Victoria, BC